Have you all prepared for us a magic little tune?
Right along this way, my sirs,
If you'll follow me, please.
Somewhere back behind these people
There's a place for you to rest.
Open that door, my dear, to the left.
Past these dreadful drunks we'll go.
Here, right next to that bed is a table, you can set your things on there.
Ever so sorry about the tight space,
Really, if we could, we'd give you a mansion to stay in.
Lay down for now, it'll be a long night if you don't.
Oh... no, you're not on until 3.
Very sorry, I was sure that you were told...
Erm... that is rather unfortunate.
See, it's just that we've booked you for the night shows, and well...
Just a moment, I'll go talk to Marcus...
Oh my, gentlemen, it appears as though you were given the wrong information.
Now, we'll try to sort things out, but no promises.
And might I add, Marcus is no longer with us.
Threatening? No, I just meant he was fired.
How about a nice tea while you're waiting?
A nice tea, not iced. It could be iced, though, if you like.
No, it's not a problem, really, and you shouldn't worry,
You're not at fault, we are, remember?
Everything will be settled soon enough, though,
So just lay down for now.
Here we are, boys, it's your time to shine!
Even though we've had to reschedule that poor old woman...
Don't you think it's more profitable if we put you guys on, though?
Oh, she's only 89, she'll get her time to shine eventually.
Evening, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to a great new band.
So here, they are, the magnificent Coldplay!
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