and lovely green eyes,
and that sweet, kind personality
that no one can despise
It's no wonder for you
I've fallen so hard.
Oh, boy, if you left me,
my heart would be scarred.
I guess that comes as
no surprise, really.
OK, and I'll try not
to be so touchy-feely.
But I just want to state
what I know is true-
You're the greatest man ever,
and I'm so in love with you.
I know you know it,
because you tell me the same.
And while I think you're far greater,
I love the way you say my name.
“Hey, Chris,” like there's no one else
on this over-populated earth.
I know I'm nothing compared to you,
but you make me feel I have some worth.
Oh, my dear love,
I'd like to be with you soon.
Hey, here's an idea:
Let's run off to the moon!
Don't laugh, I'm serious,
let's go right now.
We'll take a spaceship,
and we can exchange our vows.
It'll be lovely,
We'll have Bruce come and sing.
Will and Guy can come, too;
They can hold our rings.
Or maybe we don't need rings,
I'm fine either way.
I'd just like to come back to Earth
and be able to say
Jonny is my husband, ooh
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