"I missed you," is whispered all about, though they've spent nearly the entire day together.
But not together.
Hands brush cheeks, lips touch, curly hair is pulled, caps are sent askew. Some moans are thrown about the place. But it's dark- very late- so there isn't any worry.
Two girls walking down the sidewalk. Harmless. They're not even that tall.
One's blond, the other brunette. They're just walking. Just having a laugh.
Two harmless girls.
The streetlight is far from the alley. In fact, one person- or perhaps, two people- unfamiliar with the area would never even know that there was an alley there, if they were walking in the dark. Walking down the sidewalk, at night.
The men are safe with their dirty secret, hidden from the world behind a dumpster. But as the girls pass, everything changes.
Two steps past the corner of the alley, Katie stops. Two steps back. Three, even. Dianna follows her, and they both know. The alley is dark, but they're trained professionals.
Are those footsteps we're hearing, Jonnyboy?
No, surely you're just being paranoid.
It makes sense, so they don't think about it again. Until Chris hears footsteps again.
Jonny, someone's here.
Are you sure?
So the men break apart, and try to blend themselves with the wall. But it's no use, the girls are trained professionals.
Five feet away. Katie, do you really think...? Four feet away. No, I know. Three feet. Jonny, what if they find us? Two feet. I think it's too late for that.
It's dark, but not dark enough that the outline- obvious outline- of two men is invisible. No, it's very much visible. Then the alley is filled with screams, the joy of finding buried treasure.
"I KNEW IT," is shouted into the night. Fangirlish squees, manly "Oh no, we've been caught!"s.
We have to tell Brooke. Oh my God, WE HAVE TO TELL BROOKE!
Dianna walks closer to the men, her path slightly more towards Chris. Narrow eyes, and the men start to feel self-conscious.
You don't want us to tell the whole world do you?
No, please.
Then what's in it for us?
The men exchange glances.
Anything you want.
Are you sure that's a good idea?
Well, it's too late now.
More glances. Nervous glances.
Fine. What, then?
You don't think you're the only two who want to have a little fun, do you?
Laughter from the girls. What else are the men going to do? They agree.
Yeah, you wish.
Fine, maybe the ending isn't true. And maybe Dianna and I didn't actually see them or anything. But I'm sure it happened, anyway!
Oh, it did. It definitely did.
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