Friday, November 27, 2009

A Borderline Confession- Discreet Emotions For Guitar Hero Jonnyboy

An easy task. By the end of the day, write a song. Choose some simple rhymes, throw in some cheesy cliches, and bam! Done. Easy, right?

Figures, I can't bring myself to do it. Gunning to the finish line wont create the music that I can actually feel, that is actually part of me. Honestly, even taking hours wouldn't do that.

If only I could get your image out of my head. Just for a minute. Kept it to myself all these years, my true feelings for you.

Love... I love you. My heart races when you're near. No one makes me feel like you do. Of course, I can't tell you. Perhaps one day, but not now.

Quick, I've got to get this song finished!

Really, you are the most beautiful person I've ever seen. Sometimes I imagine what we'd be like together. There was even a time when I almost told you. Unfortunately, I'm not brave enough. Very unfortunate. Whatever does happen, though, I'll always love you.

XIth century writers must have had this problem, too, huh? Young, handsome friends of theirs distracting them from their work.

ZOINKS, I've got to freaking finish this song!!

Anyway... I love you, Jonny! Bye now. 'Cause, you know, I have to write this song. Don't, uh, don't fall in love with anyone else, please. Even if she's hotter than me. Freaking heck, it's already 11! Gotta go.

Hugs and kisses!
If only.

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